Tasty Tangents

Food, life and other morsels

One pan pasta

-1/2 cup butter
-1 tbsp olive oil
-2 cloves garlic
-500g assorted mushrooms (ex. shiitake, cremini, white and oyster)
-300g spinach
-1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese, plus extra for serving
-1/2 cup roasted pine nuts
-salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste

To make:
-roast pine nuts over medium heat and remove from pan once golden
-put on water to boil, add salt and cook pasta until al dente
-in large skillet, heat 1/4 cup butter and olive oil
-add garlic and mushrooms and sautee until tender
-add salt and pepper to taste
-add spinach and additional 1/4 cup butter, salt, pepper and nutmeg
-heat until wilted
-drain pasta and add to mushroom and spinach mixture
-toss in cheese and pine nuts
-serve with additional cheese

The verdict: This is a new recipe that came from having lots of left over cooked mushrooms in the refrigerator and wondering what to do with them. It worked out better than we could have hoped. Feel free to substitute the cheese with your favourite, stronger cheeses hold up better with the nuts and mushrooms though.

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